Monday, December 31, 2012

Best Eye Makeup Tips And Advice

Eyes occupy the most prominent place among the five sensory organs of our body. Large and beautiful eyes enhance one's beauty manifold. Healthy eyes are directly related to general health. Use eye-make up very sparingly, for its excessive use damages the skin around eye. Also, remember never to use chemical eye-make-up-remover because it reacts adversely on the skin.

Applying smoky eyes makeup can make you the most attractive and beautiful woman. It is a good choice for drawing attention, also. A very important thing to take into account is the eye shadow color. Being very careful, smoky eyes are not so difficult to obtain. An advantage of this kind of makeup is that it fits any face type. Start applying the smoky eyes makeup, First, apply a perfect eyeliner and the base eye shadow over the upper lid, blending with a base brush. The next step is to apply a clean color over the eye, from eyelid to brow.

Eye makeup is the fun part of applying cosmetics. Some simple eye makeup tips. Use eye shadows that fit the character or to express mood. Apply the lightest shade you have over the entire eyelid and the medium shade on the lower eyelid. It's time to apply dark colors for creating depth.

Best place for doing that is the outer corner. Next, apply a little eyeliner, from the center of the eye to the corners. Finally, apply mascara. For dark eyes, black or dark brown is recommended. A dark brown eye shadow should be applied from the lid to crease, for a better effect. In the final, apply two layers of black mascara and work a little on your eyebrows for a strong smoky eyes makeup.

Various Types of Eye Makeup

Small eyes-Use a light shade of powder for the center of the lid and a darker shade in the outer edge.

Almond-shaped eyes Use a light shade of powder from your lashes to the brow, a medium shade on your lid, and a darker shade on the outer third of your eyelid.

Round eyes-Use light colored shadow over the entire lid and a darker shade in the crease. Apply eyeliner on both the top and bottom lids, and use mascara on the upper outer lashes.

Wide-set eyes-Use a darker shade in the inner corner, blending up and out. Concentrate eyeliner and mascara on the inner corner of the eye.

Close-set eyes-Use one color, varying from a light to darker shade. Start with the lightest shade one-third away from the inner corner of your eye, blending darker shades up and out. Use eyeliner on the outer half of your eye.

Deep-set eyes-Use eyeliner on both the upper and lower lids, remembering to smudge and soften the line.

Eye Makeup Tips

1. Use Sacha's eye shadows to reflect mood.

2. Apply the lightest shade over the entire eyelid.

3. Apply the medium shade on the lower eyelid.

4. Apply the darkest shade in the outer corner of the eye to create depth.

5. Apply eyeliner with short strokes, starting form.

6. The center of the eye and working towards the corners.

7. Mascara finishes your makeup.

8. Do not wear bold eye makeup and a bold lipstick at the same time.

9. Try not to be too dramatic but there is a secret seldom revealed.

Apply Eye Makeup

Makeup should emphasize beauty and highlight your best features, not become a mask for which to hide. It is the eyes, the windows to your heart and character that are seen first. Your eyes create a focal point for creativity, fun, and elegance. Therefore, when applying eye makeup, it is necessary to create balance and harmony to reveal your true beauty.

Applying eye makeup can be a frightening concept if you are not equipped with the correct knowledge and equipment. Once you know the basics, you will find that applying eye makeup is fun. All you need is the right color, shadow brushes, an eye lining pencil, an eyelash curler, and mascara.

First, it is important to know that your eyes are a great place to begin to express yourself. Adding color to the eyes will automatically draw attention to them. Because of this, when you apply shadow, choose colors that complement your skin tone and eye color. Use the iris as a guide in choosing your color scheme. You want to create a polished elegant look.

Color Guide:

Blue Eyes
To emphasize blue eyes use gray, rose, mauve, purple, orange, peach, gold, or any shade of bronze. When selecting a shade of blue to go with the eyes follow the rule of opposites. (If the eye is dark blue, use sky blue; if the eye is icy blue, use darker blues, even indigo.)

Green Eyes
To emphasize green eyes use chestnut, royal purple, violet, plum, forest green, and brown. If the iris is a deep green, try using a darker eye shadow; if the iris is a pale green use a pale green eye shadow.

Hazel Eyes
To emphasize the green in hazel eyes use royal purple, rose, violet, and forest green. To make the eye more brown, use chestnut.

Brown Eyes
To emphasize brown eyes use copper, bronze, champagne, beige, forest green, gold, and other metallics. Using shades of green will complement brown eyes.

Brown-Black Eyes
To emphasize deep brown eyes use tones that are lighter and pearly to bounce more light. Try a sheer green.

The secret to applying Eye Makeup

When applying eye makeup, remember that a small amount goes a long way. It is best to start applying the shadow lightly, building up to intensity desired. Since you can alter the shape and look of your eyes using eye makeup, begin by tracing the brow bone with your finger or shadow tool to get a feel for the shape of your eye. It is important to note that you do no want to apply eye shadow above your brow bone; rather, you will be blending upward towards the brow bone.

How to use a brush to apply your eye shadows

Apply your shadow using a shadow brush in a medium size. The brush will give you more control. A larger eye shadow brush will give more coverage for the total eye. A smaller shadow brush will give a more defining line. Keep in mind that you will want to use a synthetic brush for creams and a natural hair brush for powder. Using these brushes for specific eye makeup will make clean-up easier.

1. Begin applying the shadow to the mobile eye, making sure that the shadow covers evenly and is blended carefully in an upward movement. Remember to blend toward the brow bone. Keeping the brush moving in circular movements will help create an even blend of color. Shadow should be applied toward the lachrymal area, or inner corner, and blended.

2. Apply the shadow on the opposite eye. Be sure to create equal looks. Uneven shadow will upset the balance and harmony.

3. Apply the eyeliner to the top of the eye, close to the lashes. This will create thickness. You can also line the bottom lashes lightly for a more dramatic and defined look. Remember that when you apply loner, black is more commonly used for nighttime and brown or navy for daytime.

4. For more emphasis, apply a pearly white or ivory in the inner corner of the eyes and above the brow bone to highlight the eyes. Blend carefully so that the shadow highlights and does not appear as a polka dot in the corner of the eye or a harsh line below the brow.

5. Finish applying eye makeup with mascara. Curl the lashes to further open the eyes. Once again, when applying eye makeup, it is best to begin with a light coat of mascara on both top and bottom lashes. You can build intensity by applying another coat, depending on the look desired. Look up when applying mascara to the lashes.

Critical factors to consider when applying eye make up

Remember: Your goal is to emphasize your natural beauty and create harmony. Keep these factors in mind when selecting and applying your eye makeup:

skin color
eye color
hair color